Site Guidelines

Site Guidelines

I hope you're enjoying CatcoHub! We have some guidelines you need to follow. Not following our guidelines might result in a ban.

Please keep your content Safe For Work.

This site isn't a dumping ground for Not Safe For Work (NSFW) content. If you're going to post NSFW content, please add a warning. 


Please post in the correct area.

When posting, make sure what you posted is in the right place. If your topic is related to Catco's Galaxy, post it into the Catco's Galaxy forum.


Be kind to other users.

You might not know what's going on in another user's life, so please be kind. Do not attack someone for their beliefs, race, hobbies, gender identity, etc.


Racism is not tolerated.

Racism isn't tolerated at all on this site. Respect people for who they are.